


Welcome to the Summit

The eighth annual Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit is coming to Seattle, Washington, April 19 – 20, 2024. The Summit’s continuing focus has been on the implementation of biomedical tools in our prevention and treatment efforts to ultimately end the HIV epidemic in communities. This year’s meeting will be centered on research, science and data and the need to bring science back to the community in a way that can be easily understood.

The Summit will feature sessions on Translation and Implementation Research, the Epidemiology of Biomedical HIV Prevention and other topics.  Make sure to visit the Abstracts tab for the full listing of tracks and track descriptions. The abstract submission deadline is January 29. Stay tuned for information about the general abstract webinar on January 17.

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One of the goals of the Summit is to highlight PrEP campaigns across the country.  The PrEPpy Awards were introduced in 2022 and we’re excited to up the ante for 2024.  For the first time ever, the top three contenders will receive cash prizes.  Visit the PrEPpy Awards tab for more information.

This year we’ve expanded the exhibit format to full 8’x10’ footprints instead of our traditional table-top exhibits.  Visit the Exhibits and Sponsors tabs to get more information and reserve a spot. Summit attendees include leaders, advocates, and educators all interested in sharing ideas and learning about new approaches to maximize the use of biomedical HIV prevention methods. Make sure you’re there to exhibit or provide support as a sponsor to engage with these groups.

Thank You to Our 2024 Sponsors




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Broadway Cares Equity Fights AIDS
C.V.S. Specialty
Johnson & Johnson
H.I.V. Vaccine Trials Network
Molecular Testing Labs
ViiV Healthcare
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